Out Now: Anthology on Gongsheng

This latest Publication sheds light on the term gongsheng/kyōsei, which is used in Chinese and Japanese to not only translate “symbiosis” in biology but also broadly deployed in philosophical, social and political contexts.

Video of the Panel on Convivialism at the World Social Forum (Febr 17th 2024)

An online panel on the “Convivialist Manifesto & Manifestation” was held on Febr. 17th 2024 as part of the World Social Forum 2024 in Nepal. A video of the panel can be watched on YouTube.

Panel on Convivialism at the World Social Forum | Sat., Febr. 17th, 11–12.30 CET

Panel on Convivialism at the World Social Forum | Sat., Febr. 17th,11.00AM – 12.30PM CET Convivialist Manifesto & Manifestation World […]

Convivialist International: The Art of Living Together

Convivialist International: The Art of Living Together by Noemi Gal-Or, Alain Caillé, November 2023 This article is a contribution to […]

“Politics of the Gift”: A Convivial Evening

In fall 2022, the English translation of Frank Adloff’s 2018 book “Politik der Gabe ” was published with a new preface by Bristol University Press as “Politics of the Gift: Towards a Convivial Society.” The book is part of the series “Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century” edited by Lara Monticelli and Torsten Geelan. The Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies “Futures of Sustainability” invited to a book launch and a convivial evening on 15 Feb 2023 in Hamburg. It was attended by around 50 people, some of them via Zoom.

New Article by Frédéric Vandenberghe about Alain Caillé’s Anti-Utilitarian Sociology

New Article by Frédéric Vandenberghe about Alain Caillé’s Anti-Utilitarian Sociology Frédéric Vandenberghe’s new article “Sociology as political philosophy: Alain Caillé’s […]

Out Now: German Translation of Alain Caillé’s “Extensions du domaine du don”

New Publication Alain Caillé: “Das Paradigma der Gabe” The German translation of Alain Caillé’s 2019 book “Extensions du domaine du […]