Second Convivialist Manifesto
Convivialism, a resolutely relational philosophical approach to the world, sets out five principles and an overarching imperative to guide the reconstruction of our societies. The manifesto presents them and formulates directions in which to move towards a post-neoliberal world. If liberalism has brought freedom to flourish, convivialism will bring conviviality, individual and collective emancipation. It is signed by 275 personalities from 33 countries: a nascent Convivialist international.
First Convivial Manifesto (2013)
Signatories of the Second Convivialist Manifesto
Warning: Why these signatories and no others? Why not the thousands or tens of thousands of other personalities who could have been or would be equally likely and potentially willing to join the list? And why, moreover, limit ourselves to well-known figures?
The answer to this second question is simple: we fervently hope that millions or tens of millions of people will be able to recognize themselves widely in convivialism and contribute to it, but we have to start somewhere. In order for the movement to have a chance to snowball, it is important that the first signatories are sufficiently known and respected. But we cannot stop there. We therefore invite all those who wish to do so to show their support for convivialism on the website http://convivialisme.org as was already the case for the First Convivialist Manifesto. This will at the very least enable information to be circulated on possible future initiatives.
And (first question) why these signatories and not others? Again, for convenience. Because it was impossible to move forward other than by contacting those with whom the signatories of the First Manifesto were already in contact in France and around the world. By starting with other people, other networks would have been formed, no doubt, even if they would most likely have partly overlapped with the one that appears here. In any case, the list of signatories of this Second Manifesto has a real consistency. They come from thirty-one different countries, which allows us to speak of a Convivialist International, even if it has no organisational or institutional reality and therefore remains totally informal.
How did this Second Manifesto come about? A first version, based on elements of the First Manifesto, was written by Alain Caillé. A first translation into English was soon made, which helped fuel a real international discussion. Dozens of contributions or proposals, additions, subtractions, or modifications were integrated. Some were two or three words, or a few lines; others were entire paragraphs. Many of the signatories merely indicated their agreement, but in the end, it is truly a plural and international text.
The reader will find below the names of the signatories and a brief presentation of who they are and what they do. Many have written many, many books. In order not to lengthen this presentation excessively, only one is mentioned.
Tetsuo Abo († Japan), honorary professor of the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, director of the Management Research Group JMNESG. The Hybrid Factory: The Japanese Production System in the United States, Oxford University Press,1994.
Daron Acemoglu (Turkey, USA), economist, professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, holder of the “Charles P. Kindleberger Chair”, John-Bates-Clark Medal in 2005. Why Nations Fail (with J. A. Robinson), Crown Publishers, 2012.
Jean-Philippe Acensi (France), delegate general of the Agency for Education through Sport (APELS), president of the civic movement Bleu, Blanc, Zèbre.
Alberto Acosta (Ecuador), Ecuadorian economist and activist, former president of the Constituent Assembly of Ecuador. Le Buen Vivir, Una vía para el desarrollo, Ed. Univ. Bolivariana, Santiago, 2009.
Michel Adam (France), engineer and sociologist, community activist, president of the Jean Monnet European Study Center in Cognac, L’Association, image de la société, L’Harmattan, 2008.
Frank Adloff (Germany), professor of sociology, Hamburg University, Gifts of Cooperation, Mauss and Pragmatism, Routledge 2016.
Thais Aguiar (Brazil), professor of Political Science at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences (IFCS) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Demofobia e demofilia: Dilemas da democratização, Azougue editorial, Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
Christophe Aguiton (France), associate professor in sociology of the web at the University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, founder of Acting together against unemployment! and cofounder of ATTAC. La gauche du 21ème siècle, enquête sur une refondation, La Découverte, 2017.
Shoki Ail Said (Ethiopia), president of the association France-Ethiopie Corne de l’Afrique, co-president of the association Dialogues en humanité.
Cengiz Aktar (Turkey), economist, political scientist, and journalist, professor emeritus at the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of Bahçeşehir (Istanbul), initiator of the Turkish request for forgiveness to the Armenians. L’Appel au Pardon, des Turcs s’adressent aux Arméniens, CNRS Éditions, 2010.
Claude Alphandéry (France), resistant, honorary president of the lab of Social and Solidarity Economy and of France Active. Honorary president of the National Council for Integration through Economic Activity and of the Higher Council for the Social and Solidarity Economy. Une famille engagée: Secrets et transmission, Odile Jacob, 2015.
Hiroko Amemiya (Japan-France), anthropologist, honorary lecturer in Japanese language and civilization, University of Rennes 2, specialising in the power of social transformation by short food circuits between peasants and consumers. Du Teikei aux Amap, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2012.
Geneviève Ancel (France), co-founder and coordinator of the global network Dialogues in Humanity, territorial administrator at Lyon Metropole.
Catherine André (France), journalist, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the multilingual website VoxEurop and deputy editor-in-chief of Alternatives Economiques.
Kathya Araujo (Peru), sociologist and psychoanalyst, professor at the Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA) of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. El miedo a los subordinados: Una teoría de la autoridad, Santiago, Lom, 2016.
Margaret Archer (United Kingdom), professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Warwick (UK), social theorist, and critical realist, first female president (1960) of the International Sociological Association, founding member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing (ed.), Springer, 2017.
Marcos Arruda (Brazil), economist and educator, director of Politicas alternativas para o Cone Sul (Rio de Janeiro), Partner Institute of the Initiative for Another World network. A formação de ser humano integral. Homo evolutivo, praxis e economia solidaria, PACS/Editoria Vozes, 2003.
Rigas Arvanitis (Greece-France), sociologist, director of the Centre Population et Développement (Ceped, IRD), works on the constitution of scientific communities in southern countries and research and innovation policies. Knowledge Production in the Arab World: The Impossible Promise (with Sari Hanafi), Routledge, 2015.
Amin Ash (United Kingdom), holder of the 1931 Chair of the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge. Seeing Like a City (with N. Thrift), Polity Press, 2016.
Geneviève Azam (France), economist, essayist, member of the Attac Scientific Council and of the Editorial Board of the Revue des livres, des idées et des écologies, Les Terrestres (terrestres.org). Lettre à la Terre. Et la Terre répond, Seuil, 2019.
Laurence Baranski (France), lecturer, University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, coach, consultant specialising in individual and collective change processes, involved in citizen dynamics. Le coming out spirituel, Exergue, 2017.
Marc de Basquiat (France), engineer and economist, founder of StepLine, president of the AIRE Association pour l’instauration d’un revenu d’existence (subsistence income).
Philippe Batifoulier (France), professor of economics at the University of Paris 13, director of the Centre d’Economie de Paris Nord (CEPN, UMR CNRS 7234). Capital santé, quand le patient devient client, La Découverte, 2014.
Jean Baubérot (France), honorary professor at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (“History and Sociology of Secularism”). La loi de 1905 n’aura pas lieu, éditions de la MSH, 2019.
Michael Bauwens (Belgium, Thailand), integral philosopher, commons theorist, founder of the P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Foundation. Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto, University of Westminster Press, 2019.
Marcel Bénabou (France), historian and writer. Definitive provisional secretary and then provisional definitive secretary of the Ouvroir de littérature potentielle (or OuLiPo). Le Voyage d’hiver et ses suites, Seuil, 2014.
Raymond Benhaïm (Algeria), economist, consultant, and activist in several national and international civil society organizations; president of Racines, the Association for Cultural Development in Morocco and Africa.
Dorothée Benoît-Browaeys (France), science journalist, director of TEK4life, co-founder of the VivAgora association. L’urgence du vivant vers une nouvelle économie, Editions François Bourin, 2018.
Augustin Berque (France), geographer and orientalist, director of studies at the EHESS, member of the European Academy, Cosmos International 2018 Prize. Poétique de la Terre. Histoire naturelle et histoire humaine, essai de mésologie, Belin, 2014.
Yves Berthelot (France), economist, former United Nations official, president of the French Committee for International Solidarity (CFSI) and of the Centre International Développement et Civilisations – Lebret-Irfed. Chemins d’économie humaine (with Lourthusamy Arokiasamy, Andrés Lalanne, and Lily Razafimbelo), Le Cerf, 2016.
Romain Bertrand (France), research director at the Centre de recherches internationales (CERI, Sciences Po-CNRS), specialising in the history of European colonisation in Asia. Le Détail du monde. L’art perdu de la description de la nature, Seuil, 2019.
Jean-Michel Besnier (France), professor of philosophy emeritus at the Sorbonne-University. L’Homme simplifié. Le syndrome de la touche étoile, Fayard, 2012.
Leonardo Boff (Brazil), one of the leaders of liberation theology in the 1970s and 1980s, recipient of the Alternative Nobel Prize in 2001. The Tao of Liberation: Exploring the Ecology of Transformation (with Mark Hataway), Orbis Books, 2009.
Susanne Bosch (Germany), freelance artist and researcher. Art in Context. Learning from the Field. Conversations with and between Art and Cultural Practitioners (with Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio), Goethe Institut, 2017.
Daniel Bougnoux (France), philosopher, professor emeritus at the University of the Alps of Grenoble. La Crise de la représentation, La Découverte-poche, 2019.
Malek A. Boukerchi (Algeria), ultramarathon runner, founder of ARSYNOE, social writer and poet, lecturer philo-storyteller at I.R.I.S., “Guetteur-Tisseur de rêves.” Il était une fois en Antarctique, du rêve au dépassement de soi, First éditions, 2015.
Dominique Bourg (France), philosopher, honorary professor at the University of Lausanne, former president of the Scientific Council of the Fondation Nicolas Hulot. Le marché contre l’humanité, PUF, 2019.
Pascal Branchu (France), social worker and activist on issues of urban agriculture and the protection of large alignment trees, especially in dense urban areas.
Geneviève Brisac (France), writer, member of the NGO Libraries Without Borders. Week-end de chasse à la mère, éditions de l’Olivier, Prix Femina 1996.
Axelle Brodiez-Bollino (France), contemporary historian at the CNRS, specialising in poverty-precariousness and humanitarian issues. La protection sociale en Europe au XX siècle (with Bruno Dumons), Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014.
Wendy Brown (USA) professor of political science at the University of California, Berkeley. In the Ruins of Neoliberalism: The Rise of Antidemocratic Politics in the West, Columbia University Press, 2019.
Fabienne Brugère (France), professor of philosophy of modern and contemporary arts at Paris VIII University. On ne naît pas femme, on le devient, Stock, 2019.
Luigino Bruni (Italy), economist and philosopher, professor at the University of Milan-Bicocca, theorist of the civil economy and the economy of communion. Economia civile e sviluppo sostenibile (with L. Berchetti and E. Zamagni), Roma, Ecra, 2019.
Jaime Rios Burga (Peru), professor of sociology and political science at the University of Lima, “Colonialidad y descolonialidad como imaginarios en el sistema mundo moderno/colonial,” in América Latina en Debate Sociedad, conocimiento e intelectualidad, ed. Julio Navarette, URP, Lima, 2011.
Valérie Cabanes (France), lawyer in international law, specialising in human rights and humanitarian law, ecologist, and essayist, who co-launched the citizen movement End Ecocide on Earth, which defends the project to have ecocide recognized in international law as a crime against peace and future generations. At the origin of the online petition The Case of the Century. Homo natura: En harmonie avec le vivant, Buchet-Chastel, 2017.
Alain Caillé (France), professor of sociology emeritus at the University of Paris-Ouest-Nanterre, founder of the Anti-Utilitarian Movement in the Social Sciences (MAUSS), director of La Revue du MAUSS, one of the leaders of the convivialist movement. Extensions du domaine du don. Demander–donner–recevoir–rendre, Actes Sud, 2019.
Matthieu Calame (France-Switzerland), agricultural engineer, director of the Leopold Meyer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind. La France contre l’Europe. Histoire d’un malentendu, Les Petits Matins, 2019.
Craig Calhoun (United States), American sociologist, former director of the London School of Economics and Political Science (2012–16), then first president of the Berggruen Institute. Does Capitalism Have a Future? (with Immanuel Wallerstein, Randall Collins, Michael Mann, and Georgi Derluguian), Oxford University Press, 2013.
Hernando Calla (Bolivia), activist in a human rights organization (APDHLP) and writer/translator of a dozen books, including La verdadera riqueza de las naciones. Creando una economía del cuidado (Riane Eisler), Fundaçión Solon/Trenzando Ilusiones, 2014.
Belinda Canonne (France), novelist, essayist, and lecturer in comparative literature at the University of Caen-Normandy. La Forme du monde, Arthaud, 2019.
Roberto Luis Cardoso de Oliveira (Brazil), professor of anthropology at the University of Brasilia, former president of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (2006–8). Direito Legal e Insulto Moral: Dilemas da cidadania no Brasil, Quebec e EUA, Rio de Janeiro, Garamond, 2011.
Jorge Carrillo (Mexico), a researcher at Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Colef), is working on innovation and technological learning in Mexico. Made in México. Desafìos para la ciencia y la innovación en la frontera norte, Comecso, 2016.
Genauto Carvalho de Franca Filha (Brazil), professor at the Federal University of Bahia, Ação publica e economia solidaria. Uma perspectiva internacional, UFRGS, 2006.
Barbara Cassin (France), philosopher and philologist, director of research at the CNRS, member of the French Academy. Under her direction, Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon, Princeton University Press, 2014.
José Cassiolato (Brazil), professor emeritus of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, former secretary of state in the Ministry of Science and Technology, former director of GLOBELICS (Global Research Network on the Economics of Learning, Innovation and Competence Building Systems).
Silvia Cataldi (Italy), researcher in sociology at the Sapienza, University of Rome, leader of the group Social One. Culture of Peace: The Social Dimension of Love (ed., with Vera Araujo and Gennario Iorio), L’Harmattan Italia, 2016.
Philippe Chanial (France), professor of sociology at the University of Caen, editor-in-chief of La Revue du MAUSS. La société vue du don. Manuel de sociologie anti-utilitariste appliquée (with Norbert Alter, Sylvie Malsan, and Jacques T. Godbout, La Découverte, 2008.
Francis Chateauraynaud (France), director of Studies at EHESS, director of the Group of Pragmatic and Reflective Sociology. Introduced the concept of whistle-blower (1996). Aux bords de l’irréversible. Sociologie pragmatique des transformations (with Josquin Debaz), éditions Pétra, 2017.
Hervé Chayneaud-Dupuy (France), facilitator of the Citizenship Workshops. Citoyen pour quoi faire? vers une démocratie sociétale, Chronique sociale, 2016.
Eve Chiapello (France), director of studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), where she holds a chair of sociology of the transformations of capitalism. Management Tools: A Social Sciences Perspective (with Patrick Gilbert), Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Noam Chomsky (USA), professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), founder of generative linguistics, and committed intellectual. Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change, Penguin, 2017.
Philippe Cibois (France), professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Versailles-St-Quentin en Yvelines. La Source, école de la confiance (with Jeanne Houlon), éditions Fabert, 2007.
Sébastien Claeys (France), philosopher, mediator at the Espace éthique Île-de-France and columnist for the magazine Socialter. De disruption à prosommateur: 40 mots-clés pour le monde de demain, Le Pommier, 2018.
Denis Clerc (France), economist, founder of Alternatives économiques, which he directed for twenty years. Déchiffrer l’économie, 19th ed., La Découverte, 2019.
Gabriel Cohn (Brazil), sociologist, professor emeritus of sociology at the University of São Paulo. Weber, Frankfurt: Teoria e pensamento social, Azougue, 2017.
Gabriel Colletis (France), professor of economics at the University of Toulouse 1-Capitole, researcher at the Laboratoire d’Étude et de Recherche sur l’Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes sociaux (Lereps), created and chairs the Association of the “Manifesto for Industry” (manifestepourlindustrie.org).
Catherine Colliot-Thélène (France), political philosopher, professor at the University of Rennes, member of the Institut universitaire de France. La démocratie sans Demos, Presses universitaires de France, 2011.
Josette Combes (France), sociolinguist, honorary lecturer (University of Toulouse). Member of numerous national and European networks for social and solidarity economy (SSE), president of the movement for solidarity-based economy (MES), and Delegate to the intercontinental RIPESS.
Christian Coméliau (France), honorary professor at the Graduate Institute of Development Studies, University of Geneva. La Croissance ou le progrès? Croissance, décroissance, développement durable, Seuil, 2006.
Eugenia Correa (Mexico), professor of economics at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, received the National University Award in 2006. Crisis y Desregulación Financiera, Editorial Siglo XXI.
Sérgio Costa (Brazil, Germany), professor of sociology, Free University of Berlin. A Port in Global Capitalism: Unveiling Entangled Accumulation in Rio de Janeiro (with Leite Gonçalves Guilherme), Routledge, 2019.
Thomas Coutrot (France), statistician and economist, expert on the link between work, health, and democracy, co-chair of ATTAC-France (2009–16). Libérer le travail, Seuil, 2018.
Florian Couveinhes-Matsumoto (France), lecturer in public law at the University of Applied Sciences (Ulm). Specialises in international law and legal philosophy, works on a “convivialist” conception of law. Les Etats face aux juridictions internationales. Une analyse des politiques étatiques relatives aux juges internationaux (with Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach), éditions Pedone, 2019.
Daniel Cueff (France), mayor of Langouet, a commune involved in social ecology since 1999. Regionalist ecologist, with no affiliation with any political party.
Eric Dacheux (France), professor in information and communication sciences, Clermont Auvergne University. Member of the Inter-University Network of Researchers in the Social and Solidarity Economy. Principes d’économie solidaire (with D. Goujon), Ellipses, 2017.
Jean-Yves Dagnet (France), video writer-director and lecturer on agricultural and rural development issues.
Francis Danvers (France), professor emeritus in educational psychology at the University of Lille, vice-president of the People’s University of Lille. S’orienter dans la vie: Une valeur suprême?, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2020.
Mireille Delmas-Marty (France), jurist, honorary professor at the Collège de France, member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, president of the Pharos Observatory of Pluralism of Cultures and Religions. Aux quatre vents du monde. Petit guide de navigation sur l’océan de la mondialisation, Le Seuil, 2016.
Federico Demaria (Spain), researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Pluriverse. A Post-Development Dictionary (co-ed.), Tulika Books, 2019.
Philippe Descola (France), anthropologist, professor emeritus at the Collège de France, gold medal of the CNRS. Beyond Nature and Culture, University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Erica Deuber Ziegler (Switzerland), art historian and politician, Swiss honorary professor of universities. Culture et cultures, les chantiers de l’ethno (with Réda Benkirane), éditions Infolio, 2007.
Jean-Claude Devèze (France), agronomist, member of the Civic Pact and of Democracy & Spirituality. Vers une civilisation-monde alliant culture, spiritualité et politique, Chronique sociale, 2020.
François Doligez (France), agro-economist IRAM, teacher-researcher associated with UMR8586 Prodig, “Diversité et potentialités de l’ESS au Maghreb dans un contexte de transition,” Revue Internationale de l’économie sociale, no. 4, 2019.
Jean-Philippe Domecq (France), novelist and essayist. La monnaie du temps et autres textes politiques, Agora Pocket, 2018.
Pierpaolo Donati (Italy), sociologist, Alma Mater professor at the University of Bologna, former president of the Italian Sociological Association. Relational Sociology: A New Paradigm for the Social Sciences, Routledge, 2011.
Michael Dreiling, (USA), political and environmental sociologist, director of the Department of Sociology at the University of Oregon. Agents of Neoliberal Globalization, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
François Dubet (France), sociologist, former director of studies at the EHESS and professor at the University of Bordeaux. Le Temps des passions tristes: Inégalités et populisme, Seuil, 2019.
Stéphane Dufoix (France), professor of sociology at the University of Paris Nanterre and member of the Sophiapol laboratory (SOciology, PHIlosophy, and Anthropology POLitics). Senior member of the French University Institute, he also teaches at Sciences Po Paris. La Dispersion. Une histoire des usages du mot « diaspora », Editions Amsterdam, 2012.
Dany-Robert Dufour (France), philosopher, university professor. Baise ton prochain. Une histoire souterraine du capitalisme, Actes Sud, 2019.
Jean-Pierre Dupuy (France), professor at Stanford University. La guerre qui ne peut pas avoir lieu, Desclée de Brouwer, 2019.
Timothée Duverger (France), associate lecturer at Sciences Po Bordeaux and the Centre Emile Durkheim, specialising in the social and solidarity economy, degrowth, and basic income. L’invention du revenu de base. La fabrique d’une utopie démocratique, Le Bord de l’Eau, 2018.
Shirin Ebadi (Iran), judge, Nobel Peace Prize laureate 2003.
Adalbert Evers (Germany), professor emeritus, Centre for Social Investment (CSI), University of Heidelberg. Social Policy and Citizenship–The Changing Landscape (with Anne-Marie Guillemard), Oxford University Press, 2013.
Emmanuel Faber (France), chairman and CEO of Danone.
Olivier Favereau (France), emeritus professor of economics at the University of Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense, leader of the Ecole des Conventions. Entreprises: La grande déformation, Parole et silence, 2014.
Andrew Feenberg (USA), philosopher of technology, former student of Herbert Marcuse, now Canadian Research Chair in Philosophy of Technology at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. Questioning Technology, Routledge, 1999.
Christian Felber (Austria), facilitator-founder of the network Economy for the common good. Change Everything: Creating an Economy for the Common Good, ZED Books, 2015.
Franceso Fistetti (Italy), professor of contemporary philosophy at the University of Bari, director of the online review Post filosofie. Il filosofo e il tiranno. Viaggio nel cuore di tenebra del XX secolo, Morlacchi, 2018.
Anne-Marie Fixot (France), university professor, geographer, researcher in human and social sciences, facilitator of the education and popular discussion group Démosthène (Caen).
David Flacher (France), teaches economics at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne, spokesman for the Utopia Movement and vice-president of the Organisation for Universal Citizenship. Réguler le secteur des Télécommunications? Enjeux et perspectives (with Hugues Jennequin), Economica, 2007.
François Flahault (France), philosopher, emeritus research director at the CNRS. Où est passé le bien commun?, Mille et une nuits, 2011.
Fabrice Flipo (France), philosopher, teacher at ITM-BS, researcher at the Laboratory of Social and Political Change at the University of Paris VII. Nature et politique: Contribution à une anthropologie de la modernité et de la globalisation, éditions Amsterdam, 2014.
Jean-Baptiste de Foucauld (France), former commissaire au Plan, initiator of Solidarités nouvelles contre le chômage, Démocratie et spiritualité, Pacte civique, president of the Friends of Pontigny-Cerisy. L’abondance frugale, pour une nouvelle solidarité, Odile Jacob, 2010.
Christophe Fourel (France), economist, president of the Association of Readers of Economic Alternatives, and head of the Terra Nova Solidarity Pole. Specialist in the philosophy of André Gorz. D’autres monnaies pour une nouvelle prospérité (ed.), Le Bord de l’eau, 2015.
Paulo Fracalanza (Brazil), director of the Institute of Economics of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) São Paulo.
Stéphane de Freitas (France), director (“Speak Out Loud. The Power of the Word”) and social entrepreneur. He is the designer of the Eloquentia speaking programs and the Indigo social support network.
Philippe Frémeaux (France), editorialist at the magazine Alternatives Economiques and president of the Veblen Institute. Après Macron, Les Petits Matins, 2018.
Emmanuel Gabellieri (France), aggregate and philosopher, vice-rector of research at the Catholic University of Lyon. Le phénomène et l’entre-deux. Essai pour une metaxologie, Hermann, 2019.
Jean Gadrey (France), honorary professor of economics at the University of Lille. Adieu à la croissance, bien vivre dans un monde solidaire, Les petits matins, 2010.
Noémi Gal-Or (Canada), professor emeritus of politics and international law at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Canada and lawyer. International Cooperation to Suppress Terrorism, Routledge, 2015.
Vincent de Gaulejac (France), university professor, president of the International Network of Clinical Sociology. Le capitalisme paradoxant, Points-Seuil, 2018.
François Gauthier (Canada, Switzerland), professor of sociology of religions at the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Religion, Modernity, Globalisation. Nation-State to Market, Routledge, 2020.
Susan George (USA, France), Franco-American political scientist, honorary president of ATTAC (Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and Aid to Citizens) and president of the Supervisory Board of the Transnational Institute. Les Usurpateurs, Seuil, 2014.
François Gèze (France), chairman and CEO of Éditions La Découverte (Paris) from 1982 to 2014, member of Cedetim and the Algeria-Watch association.
Chiara Giaccardi (Italy), professor of sociology at the Catholic University of Milan, director of the magazine Communicazioni sociali. Social Generativity: A Relational Paradigm for Social Change (with Mauro Magatti), Routledge, 2018.
Katerine Gibson (Australia), geographer economist, professor at Western Sidney University. Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities (with Jenny Cameron and Stephen Healy), University of Minnesota Press, 2013.
Gaël Giraud (France), economist, member of the Society of Jesus, former director of the French Development Agency. Illusion financière, L’Atelier, 2013.
Pascal Glémain (France), manager, economist, and local developer (Univ-Rennes 2, LiRIS), specialist in social and solidarity economy, mainly of associations and cooperatives. L’économie sociale et solidaire, de ses fondements à son “à venir,” Apogée, 2019.
Vincent Glenn (France), filmmaker, director. Latest film “Enfin des bonnes nouvelles”; author of On marche sur la dette (with Christophe Alévêque), Points, 2016. Mediapart blogger.
Maja Göpel (Germany), professor of political economy at Leuphana University in Lüneburg, secretary general of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). The Great Mindshift: How a New Economic Paradigm and Sustainability Transformations Go Hand in Hand, Springer, 2016.
Roland Gori (France), honorary professor of clinical psychopathology at Aix Marseille University and president of Appel des appels. La nudité du pouvoir, LLL, 2001.
Phil Gorski (United States), professor of sociology at Yale University, sociology of religions and historical sociology. Founder of the Critical Realism Network. American Covenant: A History of Civil Religion from the Puritans to the Present, Princeton University Press, 2017.
Daniel Goujon (France), lecturer in economics at the university Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne. Défaire le capitalisme, refaire la démocratie. Les enjeux du délibéralisme (with Eric Dacheux), Erès, 2020.
Jean-Marie Gourvil (Canada, France), former director of studies at the IRTS of Normandy and consultant in local social development. Se former au développement social local (with Michel Kaiser), Dunod, 2013.
David Graeber (United States), professor at the London School of Economics, anthropologist and anarchist activist. Bullshit Jobs: A Theory, Simon & Schuster, 2018.
Jean-Edouard Grésy (France), legal anthropologist; co-founded the firm AlterNego, which specialises in inclusive management and social dialogue. La révolution du don. Le management repensé à la lumière de l’anthropologie (with A. Caillé), Seuil, 2014.
André Grimaldi (France), diabetologist, head of department at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital. L’hôpital malade de la rentabilité, Fayard, 2009.
Jean-Claude Guillebaud (France), writer, essayist, and journalist, winner of the Albert-London prize. Le Tourment de la guerre, pourquoi tant de violence, Éditions L’iconoclaste, 2016. Grand prix de la Société des Gens de Lettres.
Patrice Guillotreau (France), professor of economics at the University of Nantes, specialising in the economics of the sea. Co-editor of Global Change in Marine Systems, Routledge, 2018.
Roberte Hamayon (France), anthropologist, honorary director of studies at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, silver medal from the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research). Why We Play, Hau, 2016.
Sari Hanafi (Palestine), professor of sociology at the American University of Beirut, editor-in-chief of Idafat: The Arab Journal of Sociology (Arabic), current president of the International Sociological Association (ISA), and former vice-president of the Arab Sociological Association. Palestinian Refugees: Identity, Space and Place in the Levant (with Are Knudsen, eds.), Routledge, 2010.
Keith Hart (United Kingdom), economic anthropology, international director of the Human Economy Programme at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. Money in a Human Economy, Berghahn, 2017.
Armand Hatchuel (France), professor of management sciences at the Ecole des Mines de Paris. Design Theory (with Pascal Le Masson and Benoit Weil), Springer, 2017.
Eiji Hattori (Japan), professor, adviser to the president of the Japan Society for Global System and Ethics. Letters from the Silk Roads: Thinking at the Crossroads of Civilization (with Wallace Gray), University Press of America, 2000.
Benoît Heilbrunn (France), philosopher and professor at ESCP (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris). Specialist in material culture and market mediations (consumption, brand, design, luxury). L’obsession du bien-être, Robert Laffont, 2019.
Wolfgang Hofkirchner (Austria), retired professor of technology assessment at the TU Wien, director of the Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society (GSIS), Vienna. The Future Information Society: Social and Technological Problems (co-ed. with Mark Burgin), World Scientific, 2017.
Axel Honneth (Germany), philosopher and sociologist, director of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt (Germany) and professor at Columbia University. The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts, Polity Press, 1995.
Dick Howard (USA), philosopher, distinguished professor, Stony Brook University. The Marxian Legacy, Palgrave, 2019.
Marc Humbert (France), professor emeritus of political economy (Université-Rennes 1), is developing an ethical and political (PEKEA), anti-utilitarian (MAUSS) approach in socioeconomic activities. Vers une civilisation de convivialité, Goater, 2014.
Eva Illouz (Israel, France), sociologist, director of studies at EHESS, Paris. Unloving: A Sociology of Negative Relations. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Daniel Innerarity (Spain), professor of philosophy at the University of Zaragoza, writer, and translator. La Société invisible, Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2013.
Ahmet Insel (Turkey), economist and journalist, professor emeritus of Galatasaray University (Istanbul, Turkey). La nouvelle Turquie d’Erdogan, La Découverte, 2017.
Florence Jany-Catrice (France), economist, university professor. Faut-il attendre la croissance? (with D. Méda), La documentation française, 2016.
Isabelle Jarry (France), novelist, essayist. Vingt-trois lettres d’Amérique, Fayard, 1995, prix Amerigo-Vespucci.
Béatrice and Jean-Paul Jaud (France), documentary filmmakers and activists. Nos enfants nous accuseront (2007), Tous Cobayes (2011), Libres (2015), Grande Synthe (2018).
Bob Jessop (United Kingdom), professor emeritus of sociology, University of Lancaster. Numerous books on the theory of the state and political economy. The State: Past, Present, Future, Polity Press, 2016.
Zhe Ji (China, France), professor of sociology at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO) and director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Buddhism (China, France) (CEIB). Religion, modernité et temporalité: Une sociologie du bouddhisme chan contemporain, CNRS Editions, 2016.
Hans Joas (Germany), professor of sociology at Humboldt University Berlin and the University of Chicago. The Sacredness of the Person: A New Genealogy of Human Rights, Georgetown University Press, 2012.
Stephen Kalberg (United States), professor of sociology at Boston University, specialising in Max Weber. Searching the Spirit of American Democracy: Max Weber on a Unique Political Culture, Routledge, 2013.
Giorgio Kallis (Spain), professeur d´économie écologique, à l’université autonome de Barcelone. Limits: Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care, Stanford University Press, 2019.
Makoto Katsumata (Japan), economist, professor emeritus of Meiji Gakuin University (Tokyo); he was for many years president of the Tokyo Centre for International Peace Studies (PRIME). Conviviality but Not Growth (in Japanese; ed. with Marc Humbert), Commons, 2011.
Harry Kunneman (Netherlands), philosopher and sociologist, professor emeritus of practical philosophy at University of Humanist Studies in Utrecht, diretor of Waardenwerk (Work on Values). Amor complexitatis, Humanistics University Press, 2017.
Hervé Kempf (France), French journalist and writer. A former journalist with Courrier international, La Recherche, and Monde, he is currently chief editor of Reporterre. Tout est prêt pour que tout empire. 12 leçons pour éviter la catastrophe, Seuil, 2017.
Farhad Khosrokhavar (Iran, France), sociologist and philosopher, director of studies at EHESS. Le Nouveau Jihad en Occident, Robert Laffont, 2018.
Joseph Ki (India), professor, director of the Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation (GIFT), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Seiichi Kondo (Japan), diplomat, has occupied various positions including former deputy secretary-general, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and director of Kondo Institute for Culture & Diplomacy.
Ashish Kothari (India), environmental activist, founder-member of the NGO Kalpavriksh. Alternative Futures: India Unshackled (with KJ Joy), Authors UpFront, 2017; Pluriverse (with Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Federico Demaria, Alberto Acosta), Tulika/Authors Upfront, 2019.
Irène Koukoui (Benin), coordinator of the Women Leaders Network in Benin, organizer of the Dialogues in Humanity in Benin and the Pan-African Dialogues, deputy director of the office of the Minister of Education in Benin.
Jacinto Lageira (France), professor in philosophy of art and aesthetics at the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne. L’Art comme Histoire. Un entrelacement de poétiques, éd. Mimésis, 2016.
Kamal Lahbib (Morocco), activist and linchpin of Maghreb civil society, creator and/or animator of multiple NGOs, organizer of the Maghreb Social Forum 2005, president of the Forum des Alternatives du Maroc.
Karim Lahidji (Iran), jurist and lawyer, president of the International Federation for Human Rights (2013–16).
Elena Lassida (France), sociologist, professor at the Institut Catholique de Paris. Le goût de l’autre, Albin Michel, 2011.
Helena Lastres (Brazil), associate researcher at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, former assessor to the president of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development of Brazil (2007–16), co-coordinator of Redesist, the Latin American Research Network on Local Arrangements for Production and Innovation.
Bruno Latour (France), sociologist, anthropologist, and philosopher of science, professor at the IEP. Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime, Polity Press, 2018.
Camille Laurens (France), writer, novelist, teacher at the IEP, columnist at Le Monde.Dans ces bras-là, P.O.L, 2000. Prix Femina.
Marc Lautier (France), professor of economics at the University of Rennes 2, specialising in the link between economic development strategies and globalization, especially in Asia. Economie de l’Asie du Sud Est (with J-R. Chaponniere), Bréal, 2019.
Christian Laval (France), professor of sociology emeritus at the University of Paris-Ouest-Nanterre, specialising in the history of utilitarianism and liberalism, member of the Research Institute of the Fédération syndicale unitaire (FSU). Common: On Revolution in the 21st Century, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.
Jean-Louis Laville (France), sociologist, professor, holder of the CNAM Chair in Solidarity Economy, responsible for the research initiative Démocratie et économie plurielles au Collège d’études mondiales (Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme). L’économie sociale et solidaire: Pratiques, théories, débats, Seuil, 2016.
William Lazonick (USA), professor emeritus of economics, University of Massachusetts, president of the Academic-Industry Research Network.
Christian Lazzeri (France), professor of contemporary philosophy at the University of Paris-Ouest-Nanterre. Histoire raisonnée de la philosophie morale et politique (with A. Caillé and M. Senellart, eds.), La Découverte, 2001.
Frédéric Lebaron (France), professor of sociology at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, specialising in economic sociology and political sociology. Empirical Investigation of the Social Space (with others), Springer, 2019.
Erwan Lecoeur (France), sociologist and consultant in political communication (Pacte, social sciences laboratory, CNRS). Face au FN (with Enzo Poultreniez), Le Passager clandestin, 2013.
Jacques Lecomte (France), doctor of psychology, honorary president of the French Association of positive psychology. La bonté humaine, Odile Jacob, 2014.
Claus Leggewie (Germany), professor of political science, University of Giessen. Europa zuerst! Eine Unabhängigkeitserklärung, Ullstein, 2017.
Jacques Le Goff (France), emeritus professor of public law (University of Brest) and former labour inspector, chairs the Association Amis d’Emmanuel Mounier. Du silence à la parole, PURennes, 2019.
Martin Legros (France), philosopher and journalist, editor-in-chief of Philosophie magazine.
Stephan Lessenich (Germany), professor of sociology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, president of the German Sociological Association (DGS). Neben uns die Sintflut. Die Externalisierungsgesellschaft und ihr Preis, Hanser Verlag, 2016.
Didier Livio (France), founder of the Synergence company, director of Deloitte. Réconcilier l’entreprise et la société. L’entreprise a-telle une vocation politique?, Eyrolles, 2002.
Agnès Lontrade (France), lecturer at the École des Arts de la Sorbonne. Co-director of Les valeurs esthétiques du don (afterword by A. Caillé), éditions Mimésis, 2019.
Helena Lopes (Portugal), professor of economics at the ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, Penser le travail pour penser l’entreprise, Presses des mines, 2016.
Eric Lybeck (United Kingdom), Presidential Academic Fellow at the Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester, editor of the journal Civic Sociology (University of California Press). Norbert Elias and the Sociology of Education, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.
Mauro Magatti (Italy), professor at the Catholic University of Milan, director of the Centre for the Anthropology of Religion and Cultural Change (ARC). Social Generativity: A Relational Paradigm for Social Change (with Chiara Giaccardi), Routledge, 2017.
André Ricardo do Passo Magnelli (Brazil), sociologist, associate professor at the University of São Bento do Rio de Janeiro (FSB-RJ). Director of Ateliê de Humanidades. Durkheim, apesar do século: Novas interpretações entre filosofia e sociología, Ateliê de Humanidades, 2019.
Rasigan Mahrajah (South Africa), chief director of the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa.
Gilles Maréchal (France), co-founder within Elan Créateur, Terralim consultant on local food systems, associate researcher at the UMR ESO-Espaces et Sociétés of the CNRS.
Francisca Marquez (Chile), professor at the Alberto Hurtado University (Santiago de Chile), specialising in cultural and urban anthropology. [Relato de una] Ciudad Trizada. Santiago de Chile, Ocho libros, 2017.
Paulo Henrique Martins (Brazil), professor of sociology at the Federal University of Pernambuco, former president of the Latin American Association of Sociology (ALAS). Itinerarios do dom. Teoria e sentimento, Ateliê de humanidades, 2019.
Danilo Martuccelli (Chile, France), former professor of sociology at the University Paris-Descartes, senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, researcher at the Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA) of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. La condition sociale moderne. L´avenir d´une inquiétude, Gallimard, 2017.
Gus Massiah (France), engineer and economist, one of the leaders of the antiglobalization movement, co-creator of CEDETIM and AITEC (International Association of Technicians and Researchers). Une stratégie de l’altermondialisme (with Élise Massiah), La Découverte, 2011.
Dominique Méda (France), professor of sociology, director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Social Sciences at the University Paris Dauphine. Her fields of research are work, employment, social policies, and wealth indicators. Les nouveaux travailleurs des applis (ed., with Sarah Abdelnour), Presses universitaires de France, 2019.
Marguerite Mendell (Canada), professor in the Department of Public and Community Affairs at Concordia University in Montreal, director of the Karl Polanyi Institute. Reclaiming Democracy. The Social Justice and Political Economy of Gregory Baum and Kari Polanyi Levitt, McGill University Press, 2005.
Maurice Merchier (France), honorary professor of social sciences in preparatory classes. Author of numerous articles, he directs, with Guy Roustang, the Encyclopedia to change direction (ECCAP).
Pascale Mériot (France), lecturer-researcher at the Faculty of Economics in Rennes and researcher at LiRIS. Her main object of research is education; she is also interested in social and solidarity economy (SSE).
Jean-Claude Michéa (France), philosopher and essayist; critic of liberalism and the identification of socialism with the left; theorist, in the wake of George Orwell, of common decency (decency of ordinary people). Le Complexe d’Orphée: la gauche, les gens ordinaires et la religion du progrès, Climats, 2011.
Henry Mintzberg (Canada), writer and educator, is professor of management studies at McGill University in Montreal. Rebalancing Society–Radical Renewal, Beyond Left, Right and Center, 2015.
Pierre-Olivier Monteil (France), philosopher, associate researcher at the Fonds Ricœur, lecturer in ethics at Paris-Dauphine University and ESCP Europe. Ricœur politique, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013.
Edgar Morin (France), sociologist, philosopher, and mediologist, emeritus research director at the CNRS. Theorist of complex thought (in the six volumes of The Method). La Voie: Pour l’avenir de l’humanité, Fayard, 2011.
Chantal Mouffe (Belgium, United Kingdom), post-Marxist political philosopher, professor at the University of Westminster (London). For a Left Populism, Verso, 2018.
Fatou Ndoye (Senegal), coordinator of the Dialogues in Humanity in Senegal, coordinator of the SADA cluster (Sustainable Alternative Food Systems/Gender).
Julie Nelson (United States), professor emeritus of economics at the University of Massachusetts, specialising in the relationship between economics and feminism and in social and environmental policies. Economics for Humans, University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Richard Nelson (USA), professor at Columbia University, is one of the leading theorists of evolutionary economics. An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Harvard University Press, 1982.
Pierre Nicolas (France), political philosophy. La Cité de la Parole, Editions l’Œuvrier, 1991. Blog Dépasser les conflits inutiles (https://pierrenicolas.com).
Jun Nishikawa († Japan) was a professor at the University of Waseda and a political economist on development and globalization; co-edited the Japanese version commented on by several authors of the First Convivialist Manifesto.
Osamu Nishitani (Japan), philosopher, professor emeritus of the Tokyo University of Foreign Languages, teaching transdisciplinary studies of the changing contemporary world. Risei no Tankyu (In Search of the Lost Reason), Iwanami-shoten, 2010.
Debora Nunes (Brazil), urban planner and architect, co-founder of the Network of Professionals for Social and Solidarity Economy (RED)E of Salvador de Bahia and creator of the School of Integral Sustainability or Integrative Ecology. Coordinator of the Dialogues in Humanity in Brazil.
Ugo Olivieri (Italy), professor of Italian literature at the University Frederick II of Naples. Il fascino dell’obbedienza. Servitù volontaria e società depressa, Mondadori, 2013.
Patrice Parisé (France), honorary general engineer for bridges, water, and forests, former vice-president of the General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development.
Susan Paulson (United States), professor and director of Latin American Studies at the University of Florida. Masculinities and Femininities in Latin America’s Uneven Development, Routledge, 2015.
Antoine Peillon (France), investigative journalist, Anticor’s Ethical Award for Ces 600 milliards qui manquent à la France. Enquête au cœur de l’évasion fiscale, Le Seuil, 2012.
Corine Pelluchon (France), professor of philosophy at the University of Paris-Est-Marne-la-Vallée, specialising in applied ethics, animal issues (cf. her Animalist Manifesto) and political ecology. Éthique de la considération, Seuil, 2018.
Laura Penacchi (Italy), economist, director of the Lelio Basso Foundation and coordinator of the CGIL National Economy Forum. Filosofia dei beni comuni: Crisi e primato della sfera pubblica, Donzelli, 2012.
Alfredo Pena-Vega (France), sociologist, teacher-researcher at the EHESS and the Edgar Morin Centre, and coordinator of the International Court of Nature. Pour une politique de l’humanité? (with Edgar Morin), Atlantique, 2009.
Bernard Perret (France), socioeconomist and essayist, member of the editorial board of the journal Esprit, former member of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Ecology. La démarchandisation, Les Petits matins, 2015.
Jacques Perrin (France), honorary research director of the CNRS in economics. Pourquoi les sciences économiques nous conduisent dans le mur?, L’Harmattan, 2011.
Pascal Petit (France), emeritus CNRS director of research in economics, associated with the Centre d’Economie de Paris Nord and the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. Croissance et richesse des nations, La Découverte, 2005.
Elimar Pinheiro do Nascimento (Brazil), professor of political and environmental sociology at the University of Brasilia. Trajetória da sustentabilidade: do ambiental ao social, do social ao econômico. Estud. av. [online], 2012.
Ilaria Pirone (France), clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst, teaches educational sciences at the University of Paris VIII.
Geoffrey Pleyers (Belgium), professor at the Catholic University of Louvain, vice-president of the International Sociological Association. Alter-Globalization: Becoming Actors in the Global Age, Polity Press, 2011.
Kari Polany-Levitt (Canada), professor emeritus of economics at McGill University (Montreal). While promoting the thinking of her father, Karl Polanyi, she has continued her research on development. Reclaiming Development: Independent Thought and Caribbean Community, Randle Publishers, 2005.
Serge Proulx (Canada), professor emeritus at UQAM (Montreal), specialising in the analysis of contemporary changes in information and communication devices. La contribution en ligne. Pratiques participatives à l’ère du capitalisme informationnel, Presses de l’université du Québec, 2014.
Elena Pulcini (Italy), professor of social philosophy at the University of Florence, specialising in the theory of passions and feelings in modern times. The Individual without Passions: Modern Individualism and the Loss of the Social Bond, Lanham, 2012.
P. V. Rajagopal (India), Gandhian activist, former president of the Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi, founding member and president of Ekta Parishad, organizer of the 2020 Jai Jagat Campaign, scheduled to arrive in Geneva on September 26, 2020.
Henri Raynal (France), poet, philosopher, and art critic. Cosmophilie, nouvelles locales du tout, éditions Cécile Defaut, 2016.
Michel Renault (France), teacher-researcher, Université-Rennes I, is working on indicators of well-being and sustainable development. Contributor to Le bonheur: Dictionnaire historique et critique, Michèle Gally (dir.), CNRS édition, 2019.
Yves Renoux (France), teacher of sports and physical education (EPS) and trainer at the FSGT (Fédération sportive et gymnique du travail).
Robin Renucci (France), director of the Tréteaux de France, president of the Association of National Dramatic Centres, and president of the Association of International Artistic Encounters.
Myriam Revault d’Allonnes (France), philosopher, theoretician of democracy, professor emeritus at the Ecole pratique des Hautes études. La faiblesse du vrai, Seuil, 2018.
Emmanuel Reynaud (France), sociologist and former senior official of the International Labour Office (ILO), has written and coordinated books on social protection, pensions, gender equality, and the critique of masculinity.
Matthieu Ricard (France), biologist, Tibetan Buddhist monk, photographer, interpreter of the Dalai Lama in French. Founder of the humanitarian association Karuna-Shechen. Plaidoyer pour l’altruisme, Nil, 2013.
Marie-Monique Robin (France), French investigative journalist, filmmaker, and writer, Albert Londres prize. Le Roundup face à ses juges, La Découverte, 2017.
Hartmut Rosa (Germany), professor of sociology, University of Jena, 2019. Resonance: A Sociology of Our Relationship to the World, Polity, 2019.
Guy Roustang (France), former research director at LEST-CNRS. Démocratie: Le risque du marché. Desclée de Brouwer, 2012. Co-manager of the Encyclopedia to change direction (eccap.fr).
Marshall Sahlins (USA), anthropologist, professor emeritus at the University of Chicago. On Kings (with David Graeber), Hau Books, 2017.
Emerson Sales (Brazil), professor of physics and chemistry, Federal University of Bahia, coordinator of the Rede de Tecnologias Limpas, coordinator of the Laboratório de Bioenergia e Catálise (LABEC).
Ariel Salleh (Australia), Australian researcher-activist, professor at the University of Sydney. Ecofeminism as Politics, Zed Books, 1997.
Christian Salmon (France), writer and researcher, former assistant to Milan Kundera, founder in 1993 of the International Writers’ Parliament and the Network of Shelter Cities to welcome writers persecuted in their countries. L’Ère du clash, Fayard, 2019.
Saskia Sassen (Netherlands, United States), economist and sociologist, professor at Columbia University and at the London School of Economics. Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy, Harvard University Press, 2014.
Olivier de Schutter (Belgium), professor of law at the University of Louvain, member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Reflexive Governance: Redefining the Public Interest in a Pluralistic World, Hat Publishing, 2010.
Blanche Segrestin (France), professor of management at the Ecole des Mines de Paris. Refonder l’entreprise (with Armand Hatchuel), Seuil, 2012.
Jean-Michel Servet (France), economist, honorary professor of development studies at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, specialising in solidarity-based practices in economics and finance, and in the history of thinking. L’économie comportementale en question, Charles Leopold Mayer, 2018.
Pablo Servigne (France), agricultural engineer, biologist, ecologist, collapsologist, essayist, and lecturer. Comment tout peut s’effondrer. Petit manuel de collapsologie à l’usage des générations présentes (with Raphaël Stevens), Le Seuil, 2015.
Hugues Sibille (France), president of the laboratory of the Ecole Sociale et Solidaire (ESS) and of the Fondation Crédit Coopératif, former interministerial delegate. La Grande Promesse, édition rue de l’Echiquier, 2016.
Siddharta (India), founder and director of the Fireflies Intercultural Centre (an ashram) in Bangalore and trustee of Pipal Tree, an NGO working for poor Indian farmers and promoting intercultural dialogue, especially with young people from Western countries.
Ilana Silber (Israel), professor of sociology emeritus, Bar-Ilan University. “S. N. Eisenstadt’s Theory of Culture,” European Journal of Social Theory, 2020.
Damir Skenderovic (Switzerland), professor of contemporary history at the University of Fribourg, specialising in the radical right. The Radical Right in Switzerland: Continuity and Change, 1945–2000, Berghahn Books, 2009.
Guillaume du Souich (France), painter, former co-president and spokesperson of the Peace Movement.
Boaventura de Sousa Santos (Portugal), sociologist of law, professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, where he is director of the Centre for Social Studies. The End of the Cognitive Empire, Duke University Press, 2018.
Frédéric Spinhirny (France), philosopher, DRH of the University Hospital Necker-Enfants Malades, in Paris. Hôpital et modernité, Editions Sens & Tonka, 2018.
Robert Spizzichino (France), urban planning engineer, member of the Development Council of the Greater Paris Metropolis, president of the CARMA Gonesse/Pays de France Association. De la Ville en politique, L’Harmattan, 2011.
Fernando Suárez Müller (Netherlands), philosopher, University for Humanist Studies, Utrecht, and Economy for the Common Good. Idealismus heute: Aktuelle Perspektiven und Neue Impulse (ed., with Vittorio Hösle), WBG, 2015.
Roger Sue (France), sociologist, professor at the University of Paris, Centre d’études et de recherches sur les liens sociaux, administrator of FONDA. La contre-société, LLL, 2017.
Bruno Tardieu (France), permanent volunteer ATD Fourth World. Director of the Joseph Wresinski Memory and Research Centre. Les pauvres sont nos maîtres (with D. Jousset and J. Tonglet), Hermann, 2019.
André Teissier du Cros (France), engineer, economist, and writer. Honorary president of the Bastille Committee. La taxe sur l’actif net ou impôt progressif sur le patrimoine dormant, pourquoi il faut taxer le patrimoine et non plus le revenu (collective book; preface by Corinne Lepage), L’Harmattan, 2016.
Michel Terestchenko (France), philosopher, lecturer at the University of Dijon and at the Institute of Political Studies of Aix-en-Provence. Un si fragile vernis d’humanité. Banalité du mal, banalité du bien, La Découverte, 2007.
Bruno Théret (France), economist, emeritus research director at the CNRS. “Système fiscal de paiement complémentaire: Un dispositif pour renverser l’hégémonie” (with Thomas Coutrot), Revue française de socio-économie, no. 22, 2019.
Jacques Toledano (France), environmental activist, facilitator of the Association des Amis du Monde diplomatique (Grenoble).
Catherine Touvrey (France), mutualist, managing director of Harmonie Mutuelle, Insurance and Financial Protection director of the VYV Group for social, mutual, and solidarity protection.
Serge Tracq (France), teacher of sports and physical education (EPS) trainer at the FSGT (Fédération sportive et gymnique du travail).
Florent Trocquenet-Lopez (France), teacher of literature in preparatory classes, journalist and columnist for the magazine Socialter, novelist. La Nature (with Véronique Anglard), Dunod, 2015.
Patrick Tudoret (France), novelist and essayist. Petit traité de bénévolence, Tallandier, 2019.
Jean-JacquesTyszler (France), doctor of psychiatry and psychoanalysis, medical director of the medical-psychopedagogical centre of the Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale (MGEN) in Paris.
Frédéric Vandenberghe (Belgium), a sociologist based in Brazil after having worked in England and the United States. He is currently professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. What’s Critical about Critical Realism? Essays in Reconstructive Social Theory, Routledge, 2016.
Jean-François Véran (France, Brazil), anthropologist, professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, regular contributor to Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders). Médecins Sans Frontières and Humanitarian Situations: An Anthropological Exploration, Routledge, 2020.
Jean-Luc Veyssy (France), philosopher, manages the Editions Le Bord de l’eau. Femmes en politique dans le monde: Angela, Michelle, Ségolène et les autres . . . (with Bernard Collignon), Le Bord de l’eau, 2007.
Bruno Viard (France), professor emeritus of French literature, University of Provence. Joins literature, anthropology, psychology, politics from Marcel Mauss, Pierre Leroux, Paul Diel. Amour propre. Des choses connues depuis le commencement du monde, Le Bord de l’eau, 2015.
Denis Vicherat (France), director of Editions Utopia (www.editions-utopia.org), an independent publishing house deeply rooted in political ecology and alterglobalism. He is also co-animator of the Utopia Movement and has coordinated the writing of the Utopia Manifesto, 2012.
Patrick Vieu (France), senior civil servant, adviser to the vice-president of the General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development at the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition.
Daniel Villavicencio (Mexico), professor of sociology of innovation at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Mexico. Algunas lecciones del programa de fomento a la innovación en México, Administración Pública y Sociedad, 2017.
Jean-Louis Virat (France), retired chartered accountant, facilitator of the Transition Laboratory, of Ecologie au Quotidien, Libr’acteurs, and various associations for citizenship education and assistance to migrants.
Patrick Viveret (France), philosopher, honorary magistrate at the Cour des Comptes. La Cause humaine. Du bon usage de la fin d’un monde, LLL, 2012.
Nathanaël Wallenhorst (France), lecturer and researcher at the Université catholique de l’Ouest (Angers). L’Anthropocène décodé pour les humains, Le Pommier, 2019.
Juliette Weber (France), researcher at the Public Affairs Observatory of the Macif Group. L’idée même de richesse (with A. Caillé), La Découverte, 2012.
Chico Whitaker (Brazil), architect, activist of the Workers’ Party of Brazil, cofounder of the World Social Forum, former executive secretary of the Justice and Peace Commission in Brazil, received the Right Livelihood Award in 2006. Changer le monde, nouveau monde d’emploi, Editions de l’atelier, 2006.
Hitoshi Yakushiin (Japan), professor of sociology, Tezukayama Gakuin University, Osaka, democracy analyst. Shakai-shugi-no-gokai-o-toku (To solve the misunderstanding of socialism), Kobunsha Shinsho, 2011.
Joëlle Zask (France), political philosopher, University of Provence. Quand la forêt brûle. Penser la nouvelle catastrophe écologique, Premier Parallèle, 2019.
Valérie Zenatti (France), writer, scriptwriter. Dans le faisceau des vivants, l’Olivier, 2019.
Lun Zhang (China-France), sociologist, co-organizer of the Tiananmen Square demonstrations (1989), professor of Chinese civilization at the University of Cergy-Pontoise and at the EHESS on Chinese modernity, transition, and reform in China. La Chine désorientée. Cinq ans d’histoire contemporaine (with P. Merle), Charles Leopold Meyer, 2018.
Jean Ziegler (Switzerland), politician and antiglobalization sociologist, vice-president of the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council (UN). Le Capitalisme expliqué à ma petite-fille (en espérant qu’elle en verra la fin), Seuil, 2018.
Luigi Zoja (Italy), psychoanalyst, sociologist, and writer, former president of the Centro Italiano di Psicologia Analitica (1984–93) and the International Association of Analytical Psychology (1998–2001). Paranoïa. La folie qui fait l’histoire, Les Belles Lettres, 2018 (Paranoia, La follia che fa la storia, Bollati Boringhieri, 2011).