Panel on Convivialism at the World Social Forum
| Sat., Febr. 17th,
11.00AM – 12.30PM CET
Convivialist Manifesto & Manifestation
World Social Forum, Nepal. 2024-Feb-17, 15:45 PM – 17:15 PM Nepali Time/ 11.00AM-12.30PM CET
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On the World Social Forum’s Homepage:
The Convivialist International is a collective of intellectuals with an open question: How can we live together with our differences without massacring each other? We focus on ecological, economic and political problems and, based on the expertise and engagement of the members of our collective, we outline general principles (Common Humanity, Common Naturality, Control of Hubris) and propose concrete political measures (e.g. max. income, eradication of tax heavens, planetary citizens’ parliament, etc.). We published the First Convivialist Manifesto. A Declaration of Interdependence in 2013. It was written and signed by 64 French speaking intellectuals. In 2019, we published the Second Convivialist Manifesto. Towards a Post-Neo-Liberal World. It was signed by almost 300 intellectuals from all over the world. The time has now come to write a Third Manifesto to tackle the most urgent problems of today and work out a plan for systemic change at all levels of society. In the session we will explore how can we can further deprovincialize and universalize the manifesto by opening it up to intellectuals and activists from the Global South and East.
Frank Adloff: The Convivialist International. From France to Europe and Beyond
Alain Caillé: The Third Convivialist Manifesto: A Planetary Process
Catarina Neves: A Concrete Proposal: Scaling Up Universal Basic Income
Thais Aguiar (Brazil)
Madhulika Banerjee (India)
Raewyn Connell (Australia)
Open Discussion and Debate