"Dead End?"
by Generation C
Generation C, a movement created in 2020 in Cambodia, is a socially driven artistic movement striving for an empathic civilization promoting emotional intelligence, ethics, and social responsibilities.

This is me, vulnerable as an artist should be, unveiling my psychological rumination, existential dissonance, and bewilderment from being multicultural. My bloodline is stained by the death of 1.7 million people. The traumas of my mother and her parents flow in my veins. I have carried their heavy memories, like vivid dreams. The aftermath of the genocide left my country drifting away without a sense of direction in an endless river. I need to highlight the atrocity of wars and human deviance to reflect our inner chaos. The rise and fall of the Angkor Civilization should be a reminder of our own collapse, a warning for us to wake up.
Modern globalized societies are built upon competitions, lies, corruptions, hyper consumption, greed and power, leading the world to catastrophy. The future is at stake and today, humanity is facing multi-systemic crisis, impacting every strata of societies; the post covid 19, the war in Ukraine, the economical and environmental crisis, the increase of extremists, the mass media manipulation… It is obvious that the current system has reached its limit.
I started to question the purpose of our existence. Do we know where we are going to? We are living beyond our means with no sense of direction. Our relationships with ourselves, with others, and with nature are conflictual. That rivalry and competition may account for our downfall. We have embarked on the same journey on earth. It is our duty to find synchrony and balance in the way we relate to the world.
This short film is a call for action to foster a new approach to change, to think of an alternative, creating a new paradigm that addresses urgent and burning issues. To redefine mindsets, rebuilding a new and strong foundation for the world, one that integrates set of values who have been forgotten. Let us cultivate the ‘Art of Better Living Together’ in conviviality. Let us dream and build a future that is ethical and responsible.
Facing our civilization collapse, it is our duty as artists to enlighten the minds, and gather the rebel souls in transforming our collective disease into the heat of passionate change. We need to awaken the moral consciousness of humanity by initiating an artistic Renaissance campaign, enabling art to have an active and major role in the evolution of our civilization.
Youth around the world are rebelled and are starting to mobilize, demanding concret actions from states and government without any successful outcome. We can no longer wait for our demandes to be meet. Generation C, a movement created in 2020, is a socially driven artistic movement striving for an empathic civilization promoting emotional intelligence, ethics, and social responsibilities. It has the objective to initiate a shift from consumers to aware citizens. Using the power of artistic activism, this movement combines the power of emotion through art and the strategic planning of activism to bring about behavior change as well as awareness-raising.