The purpose of the International Convivialist Association is the promotion of science and research and the promotion of a global perspective by all, cultural tolerance for all areas of live, and people’s mutual understanding.
This purpose shall be realised in particular through the promotion of the political philosophy and international intellectual movement of convivialism, which strives for a peaceful and sustainable coexistence of people with each other and of people and nature. The association initiates scientific and socio-political debates on these issues and aims to promote the international spread of convivialism. The association serves the networking of the supporters of international convivialism and as well as the networking with other global initiatives for international understanding. The purpose of the association is realised in particular through publications, the operation of a website and the organisation of workshops, conferences etc. The aim is to provide a forum for scientific and socio-political discussions. The association shall carry out public relations work (also via social media) as well as all other measures it deems appropriate to achieve the association’s purpose.
The ICA’s statues can be found here (in German).
Board of Directors

Frank Adloff
(first chairperson)
Professor of sociology at the University of Hamburg, Germany. Co-director of the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies “Futures of Sustainability.” You can find his website here.

Catherine André
French journalist, cofounder of the multilingual European website (first European cooperative society) and deputy-editor-in-chief of the French magazine Alternatives Economiques.

Alain Caillé
(honorary president)
Professor emeritus of sociology at the university Paris-ouest-Nanterre. Founding director of La Revue du MAUSS (Anti-utilitarian movement in the Social sciences) and spiritus rector of the convivialist movement.

Sérgio Costa
(second chairperson)
Professor of sociology at Freie Universität Berlin and Spokesperson of Mecila, the Maria Sibylla Merian International Center Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America.