"Politics of the Gift": A Convivial Evening
with Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff
Hybrid Event, 15 Febr. 6-8 p.m. (CET), Hamburg
"Politics of the Gift": A Convivial Evening
with Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff
Hybrid Event, 15 Febr. 6-8 p.m. (CET), Hamburg
Invitation on behalf of the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies “Futures of Sustainability” to a convivial evening at the Centre:
15 February 2023
06:00-08:00 p.m. (CET),
“Politics of the Gift”: A convivial evening at the Centre
(hybrid event)
Book Launch and Apéro with Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff (Humanities Centre)
Frank Adloff. Politics of the Gift. Towards a Convivial Society. Book series: Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century, Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022. Link
Comments by:
- Prof. Dr. Christine Hentschel (Universität Hamburg)
- Prof. Andrew Stirling, PhD (University of Sussex Business)
- Prof. Matthias Thiemann, PhD (SciencesPo)
Please register:
If you would like to participate, please indicate the date of the event and if you would like to participate in person (Gorch-Fock-Wall 3, Hamburg, Germany, room 1021) OR digitally via Zoom: zukuenfte.der.nachhaltigkeit@uni-hamburg.de